Monday, March 19, 2012

Family Photos by A Little Bit of Joy Photography

A few days ago I finally got around to changing out the pictures on my wall.  I wasn't quite ready to change the whole arrangement of the display because I had only put up fall 2010 pictures of the kids in October (or something like that). The photos that had been in the frames were color and were taken in the fall.  They looked good with the gold mirror in the middle, but now that I have black and white pictures in the frames I think something else needs to go in the middle or I need to paint the mirror.   I'm thinking black or red.
I must add at this point that changing out the pictures was much easier with my friend, Sabra.  I basically asked her if she wanted to help me with a little project and then I had her do the whole think!  Okay not really, but she did help me a lot.  I dusted the frames and cleaned the glass and she put in the new pictures. 
Sabra thinks I should put up the 6 pictures in two rows of 3.  What do you think?  Do you have any great suggestions for my wall gallery?

Here is a closer look of those pictures:

                       This may not be the perfect pose, but this truly captures Anna's personality!






And there are more!  Here is what I did with a few of my other favorites:

Closer look....

There is one more picture on the mantel that I can't locate at the moment on my computer.  It is a black and white of all of the kids sitting on the back of our truck.  I love it.

And the last photo I'll share with you is one of our two family photos that I have been printing and passing / mailing out.  (I had great intentions of sending them out for Christmas...and then for New Year's.  You know how that goes, don't you?)

Oh, I can't leave without showing you this one too....

They are SO outnumbered!

All pictures were taken by a Amanda Joy Henninger who is the owner/photographer at A Little Bit of Joy Photography.  Please visit her facebook page if you are interested in hiring her.  Our whole family really enjoyed Amanda's personality and disposition.  Even my son who REALLY hates doing the whole family picture thing had a good time.  That's saying a lot for Amanda isn't it?

 I really like our pictures! Thank you so much, Amanda!

Dinner Time Anchor

Awhile back I read a question on an instagram account that I follow. It went something like this: What are the anchors that keep your fami...