Friday, January 27, 2012

Lucy's First Sewing Project

This morning I thought it would be fun to sew something.  I've been interested in sewing, but have very little talent in this department.  I sat at the computer and typed in something like "simple hand sewn projects" and up came this:

Well, even though it was geared for young children I was drawn to it because...well, I have two little ones at home and even some of my "olders" would enjoy a couple of the projects posted on the site.
So, here is what we came up with for Lucy's first ever sewing project:

 I traced the fabric and cut two sides of the triangles, leaving Lucy to cut one side of each triangle.  She arranged them in the pattern she wanted and then sewed from corner to corner, with me right there helping her to keep the triangles from bunching up.  She did great!

 Here is Lucy with 3 of her most recent projects : the banner (bunting?), around her neck is a bead necklace she made yesterday and on the wall is her flower toilet paper roll art.

                 And here is Ellie!  She is getting over being don't even wanna know.

 Another pic of Lucy with bead necklace.  For some reason she really wanted that jewelry box in the the picture as well.

Do any of you have a recommendation for fun hand sewn projects for children or a beginner (adult) sewer?

Dinner Time Anchor

Awhile back I read a question on an instagram account that I follow. It went something like this: What are the anchors that keep your fami...